Updating the website theme
Updating the theme of an organization usually includes a new logo as well as a new or updated color palette, new font(s) and new graphic elements. We regularly get requests to update themes on the website or mobile app of organizations.
Updating the theme of the website means that visible logos will be changed and that the graphic style will be adapted to the new theme. The costs for the required work differ per request.
Some updates can be implemented easily and don’t have consequences for the rest of the website. However, for drastic changes in the theme, the entire graphic style of the website might have to be reviewed, which requires the expertise of a designer.
This articles discussed the kind or requests that can be made, as well as the materials needed for these requests.
In the application Mobile in the Admin, the theme of the mobile application can be edited. For updates that apply in stores To make changes that apply in the stores, we maintain the price of two hours work.
Changing the logo: 1 hour (per website/subsite). No other design changes will be implemented during this time. Therefore, the new logo must have a comparable quality to the old logo, as well as the same height/width proportions and transparency settings. There is no possibility to give feedback to the implementation of the new logo. If the logo doesn’t meet the requirements once it is implemented, our ‘website adjustments’ apply.
Change logo and color: 2 hours (per website/subsite). Other than the color and logo, no other design changes will be implemented. There is no possibility to give feedback.
Change logo, colors and add/change other graphic elements: This is a request for design changes further than just logo and colors. A designer will carefully review the small details as well as the general look and feel of the website to ensure that they align with the new theme. It is important that the client can give feedback about the changes. The ‘Website adjustments’ policy applies to the feedback.
Supplying the new theme
Depending on the request, we will need the organization to provide us with the following:
- Logo files. Please send in vector format (*.eps, *.ai, *.sketch and preferably in *.svg format). Fonts are converted to shapes. If vector format is not available, supply in high resolution *.png format. Image has a transparent background.
- Color codes in HEX or RGB code.
- Fonts. There are several options:
- If the font is free, available online and duty-free: the link to the web page where the font is available.
- For a commercial font: 1) a zip file with the fonts or, 2) in case of an online library: a link to information about the method of implementation. Make sure you have the necessary rights for online use of the font. Often, a separate license is required for online use.
- Graphic elements. Please send in vector format (*.eps, *.ai, *.sketch and preferably in *.svg format). Fonts are converted to shapes. If vector format is not available, supply in high resolution *.png format. Image has a transparent background.
- Explanation for correct use of the logo, colors and/or graphic elements (if necessary). This may also be sent in the form of a ‘theme manual’.